Social media has both good and bad sides. This is a growing platform from where we can purchase things, gain knowledge, make new friends etc. 

Children and teenagers are mainly influenced by social media. This helps them to make more relationships. It helps to search for anything and give a perfect answer for it. This helps in the education system. Through social media they can find others with similar interests and can share their views. One can show their potential and can increase their confidence. It helps to know various cultures of society and to lead a different style. Social networking also changed the method of learning of children. Here they can get a group of children with the same ability and thinking, this helps with learning more easily. These pear groups make the individual confident.

In social media one can openly share their opinion and suggestions which makes them think reasonably. Harmful effect of social media is more than that of the good side. The over use of social media makes everyone feel. Children or teenagers both lose their interest in nature and reality. They give more importance to virtual relationships than real-life relations. The friends getting through these media are not seen and cannot find their character deeply. Maybe they can influence and cheat. 

Children show disinterest in studies. Decreased physical work causes health issues. They are not aware of their surroundings, parents and other loved ones, they are in a rush to make new virtual relationships and all. The wide use of social media can destroy the life of a person. 

The children should know the values and his society first. He should learn things from parents and teachers, and then he can choose social media. But he should be able to control his mind and make sure that no media can influence him. Parents should make them aware of the values, nature, society, relationships etc. The more we control the use of social media the more we are safe .May the coming generation not be influenced by these. Let them enjoy their surroundings freely.


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